
Boring Boring day !

I long time no type blog now ..... Zzz
This holiday damn boring  ..... hyper boring ...... super boring !
Bt now hv 3 week holiday now ! 3 week ltr will go school then will  know some frd !
This holiday i always in home ply game , c TV , and nothings to do !
I write in here only , coz i lazy now ! haha....
 Hope That 2 guys dun quarrel ( dun know type corretc or nt plz dun laugh me )zz


Groit !!.............. Soli soli ...................

I very happy 2day coz i can do work wif goh !  Bt i wash finiz my father dun fecth me go thr to do work!
He (my father)say me can do work 2day !  Bt he lie me .......... he lie me!!!!!
I realy sad n soli  goh !
 Bt 2day my father say gv me 2molo(Tuesday) do work.
 Bt goh say gv fang chai do liao!
I cnt do liao !!!!
If now hv chance oso cnt attend this work............ becoz  the boss alrdy hv my 坏印象! OH No........!

SaD sAd .......... SAd ............. Oh no ...........


My Holiday!!

This holiday damn boring!!
Roger no happy ! I bored ! Goh ZzzzZ!
No things do meh ?!
Goh say wanna we mourn he now !
Coz he rest in peace le! Zzzzzz~~
Crazy Crazy crazy .................................................
Real crazy................
That Goh arh....!        I ask he how to do linkz, until now ! He no teach me !
Zipe Goh ........... (^.^) ("@") >.< :D


I wanna SoLi he o~~~~ ZZZZzzzZZZ

我还是要soli 他(卢厚荣)啦!!!!!! 因为我在blog里打他的坏话。。。。。

Soli .... Soli .... soli ........ Soli............   (song) HaHa...... I know nt Funny!!!!!



wah!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 他够幸运! 而且又是他!卢厚荣!!!

星期五那天!Simon 突然跑进我们的班CHECK!他收完别人的牌后,便看见我们的桌上有3张牌, he faz come here to ask hu hv the poker!
i n goh n fangchai no ply oso "Zhong Zhao"!!!!
                                                                                          He say no ppl wanted to confess ,
                                                                                             so he say near the table 's ppl mesti terlibat!
                                                                                                     Later he wanted we go up stair for punish
 I very angry!!!!!!!!!!!  Y that Zipe Lo hao Yong no "zhong zhao"?!
                             He oso hv plying!!!!!!!!!! I think is ppl c he like a "Kuai Kuai Zai"(pui!!)
         So i in here is to remind everybody dun lie by the lo hau yong!!!!!!!!!!!!                                            He nt a generous ppl, he 10sen oso dun borrow to ppl! So hu was c me this blog ! faz tell to girl or other ppl dun borrow money to he coz u borrow to he, he no nid gv b u oso Zha So!



他这家伙!!!!! ~~~~~卢厚荣!

让我看见!但是我还是没有供他出来!我怕他会狡辩!我真恨我自己不供他 出 来!




我是不会告诉你们的, 他们是谁!因为我重义气.
Bt i write in here to make me song only! haha..........zzZzZ
Today i ply poker 抽大D so many time! I lazy alrdy,
i go ply 21点 不是姓桩所讲的满身点!Manatahu! i lose 5 times!
Until me no money pay! That 贪钱的卢厚荣,一直向我讨钱!怕死我不给这样!Zz !=.=
我真想打到他的脸变('@') I stop in here.



I in 学校就是打牌,不就是发呆, 真无聊。。。。。
 虽然In school无聊But better than in home!
Coz.................. ply game only n sleep only!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My Different fri3nD

My Frd  .......... Goh!!!   He also is my cute  Frd zz !
     I always called he doggy ! While, i green eye
coz his result better than me !=.=
                                        I like this words !


My Happy Day

2day my sister help me to do blog! XD coz i dun know how to do! zz.....
Bt now i can do it!